
Heaven Needed Heroes|Steve Rogers x Reader

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Steve shot up in bed, his skin soaked in sweat and his breathing ragged, the distant ring of gunshots still filling his head. He shoved a hand through his hair and put his elbows on his knees before letting his head fall into his hands. He pressed his palms to his eyes, trying to stop the onslaught of memories that assaulted his brain, but the stubborn nightmares lingered.

Wood splintered as bullets whizzed past his head, hitting the trees and stirring dust from the ground, momentarily blinding him, but he kept running. He could hear their shouts at his side, replied with broken commands of his own, and he could see his face at his side, smeared with dirt and blood.

His heart pounded against his ribs as he waited with baited breath, shield tucked close against his side and gun at his chest as he listened for the footsteps to come down the hall. Boots tapped against the tile. He straightened, lifted his gun and fired.

Debris fell around him, crumbling pieces of New York's buildings, and all he could hear was screaming. Terror-laced cries, shouts and pleas for help from innocent citizens caught up in the mess they were responsible for, but he wasn't fast enough. He couldn't save them all. How many lives were already lost?

"You're my mission!" his words more than his fist broke him, shattering his soul into what felt like a million pieces. He felt the punches with every bit of his being, felt whatever remained of his friend slip farther and farther away, and it was all he could do choke out a reply. Blood filled his mouth, coated his tongue with its metallic taste, and then he was falling. Falling...

Her hands were on his shoulders then, her lips pressing kisses to burning flesh and he let out a shuddering breath. He fell back, felt her move with him, and then his head was in her lap as she leaned against the headboard. She smiled, gorgeous [color] eyes staring down at him, her hair still a mess from sleeping, and he raised his hands to press his palms against her cheeks.

She was warm. Soft. Real.

"Dreaming again?" she asked, her quiet voice like a soothing salve to his raging mind. He nodded.

"If you want to call them dreams."

"Well, nightmaring isn't a word and it sounds a little funny," she argued lightly, bending to kiss his lips. Steve savored her taste, breathed her scent deep into his nose and raised a hand to tangle his fingers in her [length][texture] hair. She smiled against his mouth. "Feeling better?"

"A little," he answered, twisting in the bed to wrap his arms around her waist and press his face against her stomach, though he was mindful of the swollen baby bump. Even at 32 weeks, her belly still seemed to be growing, and though she assured him over and over that he wouldn't hurt her, Steve was still ridiculously cautious when it came to touching or holding her. She laughed and pushed her fingers through his hair, allowing him the moment to be the normal husband and Steve relished in the moment to relinquish the 'super soldier' persona. "Do we have to get up?"

"We promised Sam we'd be there at noon to help set up," she answered, smiling fondly down at him as she twirled a strand of his blonde hair between her fingers.

"What time is it?"

"11:20," she laughed and Steve sighed, finally releasing her so he could sit up. She climbed from the bed, brushing her fingers through her hair as she walked off toward the bathroom. Steve followed, suddenly struck by what she'd told him.

"[Name]! That's forty minutes from now and it's a twenty minute drive!"

"Guess that means you better keep your hands to yourself in the shower, soldier boy!"

"Steve! [Name]! You made it!" Sam hollered as he left a group of volunteers to jog over. Steve raised a hand, smiling, and [Name] waved enthusiastically from his side. Steve released her and she ran up to Sam, giving him a quick, tight hug.

"Of course!" she answered, flashing that million dollar smile that Steve adored. "Though, Steve overslept so he did almost make us late."

"What? Steve oversleeping? I can't imagine," Sam laughed and shook Steve's hand when he was close enough, bringing him in for a quick hug and a slap on the shoulder. "That just means you're on table duty, then, Cap."

"Oh, I'll do flags," [Name] instantly volunteered, leaving the two men to walk over to a group of women who were hanging up flags, ribbons and other decorations. Several larger flags were already flying nearby and every building within eyesight had the American colors proudly displayed.

"You know, I'm glad you two could make it," Sam told Steve as the two went to start unloading foldout tables from the trucks. "It sure means a lot to have Captain America here to celebrate."

"It's my pleasure, Sam, really, we're both happy to be here," Steve answered, picking up one end of the table and helping Sam carry it over. The VA that Sam used to work for, and occasionally still volunteered for, was holding their annual Memorial Day cookout for the military families of past and present servicemen and Steve and [Name] were the first on Sam's list to invite. As soon as the man had extended the invitation, Steve had accepted and [Name] had been just as eager to attend, happily making batch after batch of cookies to bring along and share.
"How is [Name] doing? I heard you had quite a scare last week," Sam went on, turning back to retrieve another table. Steve nodded, chewing his lip as he thought back to last week's incident. [Name] had tripped and fallen down the stairs, losing her footing when she turned too quick to go back down for something she'd forgotten. It had only been about seven stairs, but the way she rolled and landed on her side scared him to death and he'd rushed her to the hospital, despite her insistence that she was probably fine. After some minor tests and a two-night hospital stay for observation, she was sent home, safe and sound.

"It was terrifying," Steve mumbled, finally shaking himself from the memory and getting back to helping with the tables. He looked over at [Name], laughing and happily chatting away with the other women, all of them gushing over her swollen belly. "They're my world, Sam. They're everything I got and if anything had happened that night, I don't know what I would've done. I can't even imagine..."

"Hey, I know what you mean, buddy," Sam clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "But you can't dwell on it, man. They're here now, safe and healthy and you're gonna have the prettiest baby girl this world has ever seen."

"Thanks, Sam."

"No problem, but we better get these tables out before the women start shouting," Sam said, raising a hand and waving innocently at a pretty woman who looked his way, her hands on her curvy hips.

"Sam Wilson! You two better get those tables set up before all the guests arrive! You still have to start cooking the food and don't let me catch you two boys sitting back with a beer before those banners get hung up!"

"Yes, m'am!"

"Too late for that, I guess?" Steve teased and Sam cast him a friendly glare before the two went back to work, chatting about nothing in particular, mostly married life and how they were definitely going to have to get together soon, and before long, the VA lawn was full of families.

Steve sat with [Name], his arm about her waist as she snacked on watermelon and pickles, half-listening to her as she chattered away about what she'd heard from the other wives. Underneath the shade tree, they could see the open yard where the kids played, running with flags and extra ribbon, their giggles and laughter filling the air. [Name] leaned into his side suddenly and he looked down at her, instantly worried that something was wrong. "You okay?"

"Hm? Oh yeah," she smiled up at him. "Just watching the kids. I can't wait for ours to get here," she said, rubbing a hand over her belly before craning her neck to kiss his cheek. Steve kissed her back, lingering a moment on her sweet lips before sitting back against the tree. "She's going to love you, I can tell. She always moves the most when I talk to her about her daddy."

"How could she love me more than her mother?" Steve replied, unable to resist bending to kiss her head. He pulled her tight against his side and moved his hand to lay his palm flat against her abdomen. "You're going to be amazing."

"You're going to be a good dad," she assured him, putting her hand over his and squeezing his fingers, their wedding bands sitting one on top of the other. "She's going to have a good uncle, too."

"Yeah," Steve nodded slowly at that, looking away from their intertwined hands to stare out over the lawn. He'd hope to see him here, for him to show up, but so far there'd been no sign of his best friend. Steve had invited him, left the time and place on his voicemail, but he'd never called back. It had been almost three months since they'd seen Bucky and Steve was starting to worry that he'd lost the man for a third time. Most days, he just hoped the Bucky made it back for the birth of his baby girl. "I sure hope so, anyway."

"He'll come around," she told him quietly, but Steve just kissed her head again before helping them up when Sam started calling for them to come over. Steve kept her hand as they walked, the two meeting Sam and his wife at the rows of picnic tables.

"We always have a moment of silence at the memorial, you know, for those we've lost," Sam explained, pointing over to the large, stone memorial that sat at the entrance of this particular yard. A few minutes later, Steve was astounded by the silence that came over the large crowd, even from the children who all squatted or sat in the front. It seemed even the world had gone silent, with no car horns or cell phones filling the air, and all was overwhelmingly quiet.

That is until a little sniffle caught his ear and he looked down at one of the children seated by the memorial, a little flag clutched in his tiny hands. Despite how Steve couldn't see his face, he saw how the boy's shoulder trembled and his knuckles were white from holding his hands together so tightly. Before he could move to say anything, [Name] was gone from his side and kneeling beside the boy. She rubbed his back, whispering soothing things to him, but suddenly the boy looked at her with red, tear-stained cheeks.

"Why does war take mommies and daddies away?" he asked [Name] and Steve's heart clenched in his chest, his stomach dropping. This was why he hated war, why he'd hated to hear that his country had been so long involved in another one, why they hadn't ended after the horrors of WWII, but war was just the one thing that was always seemed inevitable. "Why didn't my Daddy come home?"

Steve bit his tongue, wanting so badly in that moment to drop beside [Name] and take her, and the boy, into his strong arms. What if this was his little girl some day? Crying at a memorial or at his headstone, asking why her daddy never came back? Would [Name] have to comfort their child if, God forbid, he was ever killed in the line of duty?

It was his biggest fear, the thing he thought about when he put his hands on his wife's swollen belly and the constant worry that was on his mind from the moment he left the house for a assignment to the minute he returned.

"Well," he heard his wife say, and the little boy sniffled again, staring at her with wide eyes as he waited for her answer. Steve felt Sam shift beside him, but he couldn't take his eyes off his wife. "Maybe heaven just needed another hero. We have so many down here, you know, people like Sam, and the soldiers overseas, and my husband too," she smiled up at him over her shoulder and Steve felt himself smile back before he even realized it. "But heaven doesn't have heroes like we do, so sometimes they're called away and we have to let them go."

"How come?" the boy asked, rubbing his nose with his tiny fist. "How come he can't ever come back? Even for a visit?"

"That's just sort of how it works," [Name] explained gently, reaching out to wipe some tears from the boy's cheeks. "I'm afraid once they leave us here, they can't come back and it's not very fair, but I promise that your daddy is still watching over you."

"How? How can he see me?"

"Well, daddies can see everything, right?" [Name] asked.

The boy nodded quickly, bright eyes watching [Name] closely.

"So, you're daddy just has a better view now," she answered, smiling at the boy. The boy smiled back and thrust out his little arms, throwing him about [Name]'s neck. She hugged him back, but soon he was running off to his mother, who looked back at [Name] with tears in her eyes. Steve watched his wife just smile at the woman before standing, a hand over her stomach and he instantly moved to put his arms around her. She turned and leaned into him, letting out a sigh. "I'm getting too fat for that," she laughed, rubbing her belly.

"You're beautiful," Steve murmured, "And that was beautiful. Where'd you come up with an answer like that?"

"It's what my mother used to say," she answered, putting her head back against his chest. Steve nodded, recalling how [Name]'s father was a firefighter killed on the job when [Name] was eleven. "I guess I just always remembered it."

"Well, I think he will too," Steve said, releasing her and just taking her hand. "Come on, I think Sam's already gotten into the cookies and we should grab a few before he eats them all."

"Sam Wilson! You better not eat all those cookies!"

"Aw, come on! I've only had three or four!"

"So far!"

"I'm a superhero! I need the energy!"

"I'm growing a baby in my belly! I need it more!"

Steve just laughed and followed his wife, hands tucked in his pockets as he listened to the two of them. Steve thought for a moment of the men he'd fought with in WWII, of his Commandos, and of all the men and women who fought, and still fought, so he could be here, listening to the woman he loved more than anything fight a superhero over cookies. Steve just smiled to himself and glanced over his shoulder at the memorial stone, giving those soldiers one final thought before letting his mind wander back to his wife.

Thank you.

~~*~~ Extended Ending ~~*~~

Steve sat in the rocking chair in [Name]'s hospital room, his baby girl held protectively in his arms. Cleaned, fed and swaddled in a warm blanket, the little girl had fallen asleep almost instantly and [Name], beyond exhausted from hours of hard labor, handed her off to Steve so she could get some rest. She was born a little over three hours ago, in the dead of night, and Steve hadn't stopped smiling since.

Sarah Jane Rogers, his beautiful baby girl. [Name] had named her - Sarah after his mother and Jane in honor of Bucky, since it sounded similar to his given name. Steve brushed a finger across her soft, smooth cheek. He couldn't stop staring at her. She was absolutely perfect.


Steve looked up and turned his head the door, a wide smile breaking out over his lips when he saw who stood there. His hair was tied back and though he wore a baseball cap that shadowed most of his features, Steve would recognize his face anywhere. He was wearing dark jeans and a navy, button down shirt, the long sleeves hiding his arms. He had his hands tucked in his pockets but Steve could see the barest hint of exposed metal at the wrist of his left arm. The man shuffled his feet nervously, lingering at the door and looking between Steve and [Name]'s sleeping form in the bed. Steve stood and walked over, careful to keep little Sarah tucked against his chest.

"Hey, Buck," Steve greeted his best friend, his voice to a whisper to avoid waking either of his girls. "It's so good to see you. I was worried you weren't going to make it."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late," Bucky answered, looking away again. Steve just laughed it off quietly, shaking his head.

"No, it's alright. She just got here," he said, nodding down at the sleeping baby in his arms. "I'm really glad you're here, Bucky. I want you to be a part of her life."

"Steve," Bucky mumbled and frowned, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he stared at the floor. "I don't know what good that will do. What does she need someone like me for?"

"Are you kidding?" Steve asked, smiling. He kissed his baby girl's head before looking back at Bucky. "She'll need you as much as she'll need me and [Name]."

"I won't do her any good," Bucky shook his head, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets and stepping back. Steve frowned and reached out, taking his oldest friend by the shoulder.

"James Buchanan Barnes," Steve said, his voice low and serious. "You're my best friend and we've been through a hell of a lot, so don't you start thinking you're going to abandon me now. I need you here for my baby girl and for [Name]. If anything happened to me-"

"Steve, don't-"

"No, if anything ever happened to me, I need to know that you'd be here for them. Bucky, they're my world, you gotta know that, and there's no one I'd trust more with them. So you promise me, Buck, you promise me you'll be here."

"Yeah, Steve, I promise," Bucky nodded after a moment and Steve smiled, satisfied.

"Good, now, you want to hold her?"

"I don't know if I should...I don't wanna hurt her."

"You won't, Buck. I trust you, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, just...just hold on, give me a second to get my other arm-"

"No, Buck, it's okay, you can use your left arm."
posted and with time to spare, though i did cut it a bit close, didn't i? so, here it is, my little Steve one-shot in honor of Memorial Day. this is a very personal holiday for me, as the daughter and granddaughter of a servicemen, and i know if anyone could appreciate the significance and importance of Memorial Day, it would be Steve Rogers, so it had to be. plus, there's some Bucky and Steve feels at the end ;)

THANK YOU to any and all service men and women out there who risk their lives (and to all of those who have given their lives) every day by continuing to fight and serve our country. it's not just a day off from work, but a reminder that freedom isn't free.
© 2014 - 2024 ivyandtwine
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SilverGirlXO's avatar
it seems me and my daughter have the same first name. :) anyway, this is really good and very cute. :)